Our Technicians are trained and experienced in applying pesticides safely to eradicate spiders. We have a selection of chemicals available to us and professional equipment suited to large spray applications. We know where spiders hide and can identify and treat them more effectively and thoroughly with their particular habits in mind.
Why are they considered to be pests?
Generally most people just don’t want spiders around their homes. Their webs look unsightly and if not controlled can engulf fence capping, window frames and gutters.
What can home owners do to control them?
If spider infestations are widespread around a property, a do-it-yourself treatment may be a bit daunting and it might well be cheaper and easier to call a professional operator. Keep store rooms, garages and sheds tidy and clear up rubble in the yard. Choosing lighting that is less likely to attract insects will also help reduce spider numbers.
Spiders are arachnids belonging to the order Araneida (apparently from mythology “The spinner of fate”). They are a useful predator of pest insects but most home owners consider spiders themselves to be pests. Thousands of species are found in Australia and their appearance and habits are many and varied. Most arachnids, including spiders are nocturnal and daytime encounters most often occur when they are disturbed. Females are typically much larger than males and are more likely to remain in one place. Males travel more, trying to find a female with which to mate.
All spiders are carnivorous, feeding on insect and other arthropods, including other spiders. They render their prey immobile by injecting venom with their fangs before consuming its bodily fluids. Web-spinning spiders, in particular, find our homes and other structures a most suitable place to live.